“GOOD NEWS, DRIVERS: insurance premium hikes have hit the
breaks. The Insurance Information Institute (III) projects a 0.5% decrease for
2007, bringing average annual costs to $847. This marks the first decline since
But just because prices aren’t breaking the speed limit doesn’t mean
you should be complacent about costs. With a few relatively painless steps, you
can probably find yourself a cheaper policy. Here are six ways to save:
Shop AroundYou’ve heard it before: When looking for a new policy, get at least
three quotes. And if you really want to save, gather several more than that.
According to a 2004 survey of more than 100,000 consumers across the country,
conducted by Progressive
Insurance, rates for comparable coverage can vary by
more than $500 for six months’ worth of coverage…….Smart Money Auto Insurance Savings
6 Ways to Save on Auto Insurance
6 Ways to Save on Auto Insurance from Smart Money
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