2 excellent articles from Selling to Big Companies Blog
“LinkedIn can be used to support the entire sales lifecycle: lead generation, sales acceleration and solution delivery. Let’s look at each of these pieces:
Lead GenerationIn the first article there is a reference to a new book called ”I’m On LinkedIn, Now What? “ by Author Jason Alba
Find and be found. Search by title and industry for the ideal contacts at your ideal customers. Search by title and company name for specific target customers. Be sure your profile is complete and contains the appropriate keywords for your business so that people looking for your solution will find you. Endorsements/recommendations count for a lot – get them from people who have actually been your clients if at all possible….
The book gives an in depth view of Linkedin, including LinkedIn Groups, LinkedIn Services, and Recommendations. The book also includes the benefits of participating in LinkedIn Answers, Jobs and Hiring, Personal Branding and Connecting with others. You can purchase the ebook and download into a PDF format.
In Part 2 on Selling to Big Companies focuses on how others are using LinkedIn to increase there sales.
"LinkedIn the online business networking site, connects over 17 million experienced professionals from over 150 countries.Read the entire article : Selling to Big Companies
Savvy sellers are using LinkedIn to research their prospects, find decision makers, assess interest and build relationships. They’re leveraging this information and their connections to crack into corporate accounts and win big contracts. LinkedIn is a tool that augments your business development efforts. It also can shorten the time it takes to get your foot in the door. Finally, it’s a great way to keep in touch with your customers when they move on. Hopefully you’re starting to see the potential in this online network - because it’s there, waiting for us to embrace it…” Selling to Big Companies
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